Terms and Conditions of flipini.fr

1. Introduction

Welcome to flipini.fr, the platform that offers you simplified access to online catalogs, offers, and promotions from the largest stores in France. Before browsing our site or using our mobile application, please read these Terms and Conditions carefully.

By accessing flipini.fr or our mobile application, you accept without reservation all of these terms and conditions. If you disagree with any part of these terms, please do not use our services.

2. Description of Service

flipini.fr is an online platform that brings together and makes available to users catalogs, offers, and promotions from partner stores. We do not sell products directly, but serve as an intermediary to facilitate access to this information.

3. Access to the Service

Access to flipini.fr is free. However, connection and Internet usage fees may apply depending on your service provider. These costs are your responsibility.

4. Intellectual property

All content presented on flipini.fr, including texts, images, logos, and layout, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Unless otherwise indicated, these elements are the exclusive property of flipini.fr.

It is strictly prohibited to copy, modify, distribute or use this content without the express authorization of flipini.fr.

5. Use of the Service

By using flipini.fr, you agree to:

  • Use the site and the mobile application fairly and in accordance with these conditions.
  • Do not introduce viruses, malicious code or any other harmful technology to flipini.fr or its users.
  • Do not use the site for illegal activities or to send unsolicited advertisements or solicitations.

6. Limitation of liability

Although we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, errors may occur. flipini.fr cannot be held responsible for any error, omission or inaccuracy in the catalogs or promotions presented.

In addition, we are not responsible for the availability of products or price variations between the time they are presented on flipini.fr and the time you go to the store or to the merchant's website.

7. Changes to Terms and Conditions

flipini.fr reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Changes will take effect upon posting on the Site. By continuing to use our Services after any modification, you agree to comply with the updated version of these Terms and Conditions.

8. Links to other sites

flipini.fr may contain links to other sites. These third party sites are not under our control, and we are not responsible for their content or practices.

9. Privacy Policy

We attach great importance to the protection of your personal data. To learn more about how we process your information, we invite you to review our Privacy Policy.

10. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. Any dispute relating to the interpretation, execution or validity of these Terms and Conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

11. Contact

For any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, or for any comments or complaints, do not hesitate to contact us via the page "Contact" of our website.